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About us

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Michaela Harrison
Composition Artist

Michaela came to eastern Oklahoma in 2006 with her parents and siblings on a great adventure, leaving behind their home and life in San Diego, California.  They fell in love with the life and charism of the Benedictine monks of Clear Creek Abbey and wanted to find a way to live on the land.  She met her husband, Jeremiah as he was drawn by the Abbey a few years later, they married and began their life together.  She is an artist, and has always wanted to make religious art.  Since she has become a mother, though, making beautiful art that draws children to the faith has been forefront on her mind.  This whole venture started as an art project to make a Lent calendar that was more beautiful and more useful than what she could find out already.  



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Kateri Lawless
Digital Artist

Kateri Lawless joined Michaela to put 



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Rose Lawless
Painting Artist

Michaela came to eastern Oklahoma in 2006 with her parents and siblings on a great adventure, leaving behind their home and life in San Diego, California.  They fell in love with the life and charism of the Benedictine monks of Clear Creek Abbey and wanted to find a way to live on the land.  She met her husband, Jeremiah as he was drawn by the Abbey a few years later, they married and began their life together.  She is an artist, and has always wanted to make religious art.  Since she has become a mother, though, making beautiful art that draws children to the faith has been forefront on her mind.  This whole venture started as an art project to make a Lent calendar that was more beautiful and more useful than what she could find out already.  



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Jeremiah Harrison
Man of Many Hats

Michaela came to eastern Oklahoma in 2006 with her parents and siblings on a great adventure, leaving behind their home and life in San Diego, California.  They fell in love with the life and charism of the Benedictine monks of Clear Creek Abbey and wanted to find a way to live on the land.  She met her husband, Jeremiah as he was drawn by the Abbey a few years later, they married and began their life together.  She is an artist, and has always wanted to make religious art.  Since she has become a mother, though, making beautiful art that draws children to the faith has been forefront on her mind.  This whole venture started as an art project to make a Lent calendar that was more beautiful and more useful than what she could find out already.  



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