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Our first in a series of monthly dedications is to St. Joseph, to whom is also dedicated this year of 2021.  This image has two parts, one an illustration of St. Joseph, protector of the Holy Family and the Church.  St. Joseph is looking at the Barque of Peter tossed in the storm, attacked by the Devil, but not conquered and we on that entripid ship look upon him with confidence as he was chosen by Our Lord to watch over the Blessed Virgin and The Messiah in His Youth.  In his hand he holds the Three Hearts of the Holy Family. 


The other part is the hymn of Vespers to St. Joseph.  The two can be placed on display in your home to remind you of his patronage in this vale of tears.


Available here is a download of just the black and white version of the image for those of you who want to color it in yourself or with the children.

Black and white Only March Dedication to St. Joseph

  • Each purchase is for one household's use, but if you want to make a copy or two as a gift, that's ok.  We really want this to go far and wide, all we ask that you send folks to our store, and say a prayer for us!  Deo Gracias!

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